CVD Investigation of Steel Flanges from India

CVD Investigation of Steel Flanges from India – DOC’s Preliminary Determination

Falls Church, VA. November 29, 2016. Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) announced its preliminary determination in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of finished carbon steel flanges from India.

The DOC has calculated the following preliminary CVD margins:

(a) Norma (India) Limited, USK Exports Private Limited, UMA Shanker Khandelwal & Co., and Bansidhar Chiranjilal – 2.76%

(b) R.N. Gupta & Company Limited – 3.66%

(c) All Others – 3.21%

Accordingly, effective today, November 29, 2016, imports of finished carbon steel flanges from India will be subject to the deposit of estimated countervailing duties in the amounts indicated above.

The DOC is scheduled to make its preliminary determinations in the antidumping (AD) investigations of finished carbon steel flanges from India, Italy, and Spain by January 26, 2017.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards.

Alexandra Jopp,
Assistant Director
American Institute for International Steel |Tel: (703) 245 8075
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