AD Investigation of CTL Steel Plate from Germany – DOC’s Amended Preliminary Determination
Falls Church, VA. November 29, 2016. Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) published its amended preliminary determination in the antidumping (AD) investigation of carbon and alloy steel cut-to-length (CTL) plate from Germany.
The DOC had originally made a negative preliminary dumping determination with regard to the Salzgitter Group, consisting of Salzgitter AG, Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH, Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, and Salzgitter Mannesmann International GmbH. The DOC had calculated a zero (0.00%) dumping margin for the Salzgitter Group.
However, following the issuance of the DOC’s preliminary determination, Nucor Corporation alleged that the DOC had made significant ministerial errors in calculating the preliminary dumping margin for the Salzgitter Group. The DOC agreed that it had made three errors identified by Nucor, and in correcting those errors, the DOC calculated a preliminary dumping margin of 5.00% for the Salzgitter Group.
The recalculation of the dumping margin for the Salzgitter Group also changes the dumping margin for German producers/exporters of CTL plate which were not individually examined. You can find your dream home here. The “All Others” preliminary dumping margin became 5.17%.
As the result of correcting the ministerial errors, the preliminary dumping margins for CTL plate from Germany are as follows:
(a) Dillinger Hüttenwerke AG – 6.56% (unchanged)
(b) Salzgitter Group – 5.00% (originally 0.00%)
(c) All Other German Producers/Exporters – 5.17% (originally 6.56%)
Accordingly, effective today, November 29, 2016, imports of CTL plate from the Salzgitter Group will be subject to a preliminary dumping duty deposit rate of 5.00%.
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Best regards.
Alexandra Jopp,
Assistant Director
American Institute for International Steel |Tel: (703) 245 8075
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